It was the best of times,

it was the worst of times...

Your end-of-year gift will be used to see Indigenous women and men live in a heart relationship with Jesus—without rejecting their Creator-given historic cultural identity.

Choose where you would like to donate:

To give in Canada please click here.

You can send a check or money order to any of our ministries at:

PO Box 1169
Montague, PE
C0A 1R0

Indigenous Pathways is a CRA Registered Canadian Charitable organization whose purpose is to provide practical support to Indigenous people, their families and communities. We facilitate the health and well-being of Indigenous people through an improved capacity to effectively respond to contemporary challenges.

About Us

Indigenous Pathways is a community of organizations with unique identities and skills that have chosen to live together within one corporate legal entity in order to more effectively work alongside Indigenous people around the world. At present, there are two members of the Indigenous Pathways family. They are NAIITS, and iEmergence.

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CRA Registration number - 86287 9392 RR0001
IRS Designation - 30-0346161